October 8, 2024 |
Audio Features Sokolsky on the Arts and Entertainment
A weekly program focusing on the arts and entertainment
Arts and Entertainment Editor Bob Sokolsky says it would have been a major news story. Once upon a time.
This month, however, the report that veteran news anchor Paul Moyer was leaving KNBC (Channel 4) caused little more than a ripple. Sokolsky describes that as one more example of how the times have changed, noting that Moyer has really been the last of regional TV's anchor news personalities. But television, he notes, is facing the same situation the print media encountered several years ago when new media cropped up to become a major source of information. These days, Sokolsky says, the Internet and cable are taking over, proving yet again that Bob Dylan was right. The times really are a-changin'. Episode Date: May 1, 2009