September 19, 2024 |
Audio Features Sokolsky on the Arts and Entertainment
A weekly program focusing on the arts and entertainment
The songs are good. The actors and actresses are good. And the director is good.
So, that should translate into another hit for the Riverside Community Players. Right? Well, almost right as far as this production of "Strike Up the Band" is concerned. The Gershwin musical has been around for more than 80 years and, while never considered a stellar production, it has held up well. And Arts and Entertainment Editor Bob Sokolsky says it is still holding up. That's in spite of a small theater that brings the cast members so close to the musicians that much of the dialogue is drowned out. However, he adds director Jennifer Young Lawson's people do rise to the challenges placed before them and the result is a glow that is fun to observe. Episode Date: July 16, 2010