October 8, 2024 |
Audio Features Sokolsky on the Arts and Entertainment
A weekly program focusing on the arts and entertainment
Arts and Entertainment Editor Bob Sokolsky say we've read or seen the story dozens of times. You know, the one about the good girl who went bad because she had no other options.
And now it is coming up again, this time on the Lifetime network where it is titled "The Client List." The film stars Jennifer Love Hewitt as a former beauty queen suddenly facing the cruelties of life. Her husband, once a star football player. was injured and can no longer play the game or bring home the big paycheck. Bills are piling up and a very unfriendly banker is threatening to take away their house. Hewitt finally meets these challenges by taking a job at a local establishment that is well known to her town's males, but not to most of their wives. Viewers are certain to know what happens after that. However, Sokolsky credits Hewett for a performance that keeps matters under some sensible control. That doesn't save the story, he says. But it does make it better than its usual versions. Episode Date: July 23, 2010