October 14, 2024 |
Audio Features Sokolsky on the Arts and Entertainment
A weekly program focusing on the arts and entertainment
Things were looking rather rocky for the Riverside Community Players this year.
Well, at the start of the year anyway. The Fox Performing Arts Center was getting ready to announce a wide-raging schedule, lining up name stars, impressive shows and big concerts. And Performance Riverside was set to go with another series of popular musicals. That left the Players in third place as far as the city theaters were concerned. But, Arts and Entertainment Editor Bob Sokolsky notes, both the Fox and Performance Riverside have been encountering several offstage problems. And meanwhile, the Community Players are off to an excellent season with quality performances playing to near full capacity audiences. Sokolsky lists the just concluded “Same Time, Next Year,” as a key example. He raises director Jeff Richards for his staging of he work. And he offers a special salute to performers Kelly Kelly and Kadn Fox, insisting they should be brought back before local audiences as quickly as possible. Episode Date: November 23, 2011