February 17, 2025
Audio Features
Sokolsky on the Arts and Entertainment
A weekly program focusing on the arts and entertainment
It looks like we can relax for a while. The stranded boys and girls of ABC's "Lost" are getting the next few months off, and from the looks of things, they will need the vacation.

So will their viewers, according to Arts and Entertainment Editor Bob Sokolsky.

After all, Sokolsky says, it is going to take us time to digest what the "Lost" season finale told us. And then it will take even more time to figure out how much of what we've seen is really true.

Sokolsky, however, praises the series' creators for erecting this confusion. He says it helped turn things around for a show that had been doing well but had started to slip noticeably.

But now, he adds, the intrigue has returned, leaving show fans ample time to ponder and debate what they have seen.
Episode Date: June 13, 2008
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