February 17, 2025
Bird flu confirmed in Riverside County
RIVERSIDE – (INT) – Health officials said Wednesday (January 29th) that 23 dairy and poultry farms including one backyard flock have tested positive for bird flu.

No human cases have been identified in the county.

Bird flu is spread from infected cows, birds and other animals to people in a variety of ways:
• By breathing in dust or droplets with the virus
• Touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands after touching contaminated surfaces or handling sick or dead animals
• Consuming raw unpasteurized milk or products
• No person-to-person virus transmission has been detected in the United States. Higher-risk groups include people who work or interact with dairy cows, all types of poultry (including backyard flocks), cats or wildlife, especially wild birds.

“The overall risk to the general population is low,” said Riverside County Health Officer Dr. Geoffrey Leung.
Story Date: February 12, 2025
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