February 18, 2025
Southern Californians' water use lowest in 35 years
SOUTHLAND – (INT) – Southern Californian’s have modified their thirst for water by a whopping 45% over the past 35-years. It comes down to a record low 114 gallons per capita per day in 2023, compared to 209 in 1990.

That has generated a huge sigh of relief at the Southern California MWD and other Southland water agencies. They cite a nearly $1 billion investment in conservation rebates and programs, along with a commitment to embrace a conservation ethic.

With wildly changing rainfall years, Southern Californians are adapting to a new norm.

“Variability is only going to become more extreme with climate change. By becoming more water efficient, we’re less stressed by the drought years,” MWD board Chair Adán Ortega, Jr. said.
Story Date: January 31, 2025
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